Profit Unleashed

A program tailored for construction industry CEOs and Owners grappling with the challenge of maximizing profit from the operations.

Struggling with distractions and unproductive tasks impacting your bottom line? It starts with you and works outward to the entire company. Discover how to implement proven, outcome-focused strategies that assess and cultivate your individual capabilities and proficiencies, minimize distractions and increase your focus on tasks that matter.

Then transform business operations and processes to see and remove waste, fuel leader and staff performance, and rocket your projects to profitability.

Enjoy a reimagined, highly productive corporate culture. Foster a transformative environment that thrives on efficiency and productivity, paving the way for sustained


Unleash the power of streamlined performance today.

Profitability Boost

Experience a diligently structured program engineered to enhance profitability for your construction firm. Dive into strategies that identify and eliminate wasteful practices, optimizing resource allocation to drive a healthier bottom line.

Time Mastery

Navigate a program designed to instill a definitive approach to effective time management. Understand how to introspectively evaluate your executive tasks and gain the essential tools required to allocate your time valiantly, leading to improved productivity levels and performance.

Cultural Transformation

Embark on a transformative journey that reshapes not only individual performance but also influences the overall workplace culture. This offering focuses on weaving harmony and productivity into the corporate fabric, fostering a high-performing environment that further fuels profitability.

Coaching Testimonials

Dan Fauchier has been my personal coach for over 15 years. The first time we started together Dan helped me increase a project’s productivity by 30%, doing 5 months of work in 3 months to finish on time. Dan was brought into a hostile environment and was able to lead the team and developed his credibility almost instantly.

Dan is full-service. He helped me to clarify my thinking as an up-and-coming leader in a growing construction company. Dan helped me hone my personal and executive management skills, and his influence on me has rippled through our company so our projects have less waste and finish on time, on budget, and our customers love it. On those projects where we have employed Dan’s methods, our profit has improved substantially.

In the construction industry we work with many people on projects and then move on when the project is over. However, because of who Dan is, we continued to work together after our first project, and I count Dan as a great mentor and a true friend. I often joke with people that I want to be Dan when I grow up.

Kenneth McBroom, C-Suite Director, Operational Efficiency

About Me

Dan Fauchier

After 48 years in Construction, Design and Development – 25 of those years in the C-Suite typically as President or CEO – I feel your frustrations. I, too, have been the one who worked too many hours doing a “great job” of managing organizational Waste.

My employees and colleagues fought alongside me against the foggy monster of Wasteful Processes. We missed our kids' games, got home late and watched life speed by.

We could have done more if we only had more hours in the week. I became impatient. I was wasting too many hours. Ever feel that way?

Finally in 2008, the air cleared and I learned to see the Waste in our daily work from the field level all the way to the CEO’s desk. I learned that with the right leadership my colleagues could develop a healthy, caring culture that produces greater value for all parties.

That's when I learned Lean Construction and Design from the founders, including Greg Howell and Glenn Ballard.

It changed my life.

Now, after coaching leadership in over 200 project teams in Lean, I can share, teach, coach others who want a better life for themselves, their employees and their friends and family.

These techniques are powerful, often simple, but create Value instead of Waste by achieving what all of us want: Flow.

Hundreds of clients and colleagues have proven this works over and over.

We help them nurture a Lean culture among their colleagues. Once you live and work this way, you won’t be satisfied with returning to the old world of waste.

Want to Know More About My Personality?

Click here

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John Doe

John Doe

John Doe

John Doe

Elevate Earnings Now

A program designed for decision makers in construction seeking to rapidly improve operational efficiency and financial health.

Handcrafted by Coach Foundation | Copyright © 2024 The ReAlignment Group of California LLC. All Rights Reserved